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英语阅读题The Cave of Lascaux It was Thursday, September 12, 1940

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/07 15:34:17
The Cave of Lascaux
It was Thursday, September 12, 1940. Four French teens were out exploring in the woods off the northern slopes of the Pyrenees. Many years before, an old pine tree fell and left a large hole in the ground. The teenagers were curious and they started to explore the area and fell into one of the most important archeological(考古的) finds of the twentieth century!
There are over a hundred limestone(灰岩)caves in this region of France. Some were inhabited by humans thousands and thousands of years ago. Between 15,000-17,000 years ago, humans painted lively creatures such as cows, bulls, horses, and even cats on the walls of the cave.
Why did they mark these walls? Was it to tell a story? Was it to record a famous battle? There are many mysteries and ancient secrets still waiting to be discovered in the cave of Lascaux. There were dots in many of the paintings. What do these dots mean? Were they meant to record time, a calendar? Deep in the cave, there is a drawing of a "birdman’’. What does this mean? Was it a place for sacred ceremonies? No one knows for sure.
The actual cave of Lascaux was closed in 1963 due to the over-abundance of tourists visiting the site. The carbon dioxide that people were breathing out was causing damage to the fragile(易损的) cave paintings. Up till now the Lascaux cave is still closed for tourists. Only a specialist can visit the cave by a special order that must be made out almost a year in advance. Not more than six persons can enter the cave per day. Two days a week, the cave is completely closed. Due to the great interest of numerous tourists, in 1983 Lascaux II was opened for tourism. It is an exact replica of the cave of Lascaux,
51. The Pyrenees are the in France.
A. mountains B. forests C. rivers D. caves
52. What does the underlined word inhabited mean?
A. built B. explored C. lived in D. destroyed
53. In the author's opinion, the cave paintings are .
A. old B. beautiful C. easily damaged D. interesting
54. The actual cave of Lascaux was closed in 1963 because .
A. tourists were destroying the cave paintings
B. there were too many tourists visiting the cave
C. tourists were taking photos and causing damage to the paintings
D. it was very difficult for people to breathe in the cave
55. Nowadays not more than _______ experts can visit the cave each week.
A. 6 B. 42 C. 12 D. 30
51.A依据:Four French teens were out exploring in the woods off the northern slopes of the Pyrenees.其中的slopes意思是“斜坡”;the Pyrenees 比利牛斯山脉52.C依据:Some were inhabited by humans thousan...